Samenspender Gesucht | Kinderwunsch | Co-ElternschaftForumSamenspender gesuchtDonor available in Bayern (English speaking)

  • Donor available in Bayern (English speaking)

    Geschrieben von ___XXX An 18 Dezember 2017 bei 21:01


    I can speak German to a intermediate level but wanted to be clear…

    I am looking to donate (nür Bechermethode) to either a single woman or lesbian couple. I don’t want to be a co-parent and would like to annul my paternal rights and responsibilities. However, it is important to be that I keep in contact – perhaps as an "uncle" role. My plan is to stay in Bayern indefinitely and am currently taking intensive German classes alongside working.

    I’m 185cm, intelligent, caring university graduate brown hair, blue eyes. If you’d like to get to know me better please message! I am very new here and open to talking to anyone. Feel free to message me or to post here.

    I expect no financial compensation (I was surprised to read that some men do, to be honest). It is really no huge effort for me and helping someone have a child is enough reward in itself!

    Thank you,


    ___XXX antwortete 7 Jahre, 1 Monat 1 Mitglied · 0 Antworten
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